Questions & Answers

We Are Usually Asked About
Is it smart to let my billing go out to another company?
Industry experts agree that it can be extremely good business to concentrate on your core competencies, like providing quality medical care, and intelligently “outsource” your ancillary functions, like billing.
Our senior staff working with MD Billing Experts have over 15 years of experience in the medical billing industry and are true physician oriented professionals.
Why should I spend all that money on a billing service when I can do it cheaper in-house?
In many cases, a billing service can be more cost effective than in-house billing. Our cost analysis on an “average” two to five doctor practice shows that our costs are comparable to the cost of staffing, office space, office operating expenses, storage, etc for an in-house computer system. In addition, we estimate we can improve collections between 2% to 10% at the “average” practice.

How will I know if you are doing a good job?
We speak with the physicians and selected staff monthly to review the monthly reports, which provide an excellent picture of the practice’s billings and collections. The reports include an aged accounts receivable summary, detailed practice productivity and insurance statistics. Custom reports are available for those practices that require them.

How does this reduce my administrative headaches?
You no longer have to worry about a billing office staff. We are responsible for hiring, training and supervision. You don’t have to provide office space and storage for the billing office. You don’t have to worry about the computer or software. We take care of all those details including patient inquires. All you need is a simple Internet connection in your office to use for patient lookup, to generate charge tickets, and for appointment scheduling (if you choose that service).

How does your service work?
All you need to do is send us your work, either by scanning and uploading it to us, or by mailing it, or by having us pick it up. All your patient billing and payment data is available in Real-Time on our web site. The web site completely exposes our service. You can see all the work as it is done, including statuses, notes and any missing information that needs your attention. You can also run all commonly used practice management reports from the web site.

Can data from my existing software be transferred and used?
This depends on how your existing software handles data exports. If your software can export all its data to an electronic format, we may be able to convert it into our formats at a small additional cost to you. If this cannot happen, but your existing software can print reports of patient demographics and Receivables, we can manually enter it into our database. Please call us to discuss your particular situation.

How much does your service cost?
Our fees vary depending on your specialty and practice size and whether or not you scan your documents. No matter which solution you choose, you will almost surely experience significant savings, and our efficient processing model with overnight services will quite likely result in an increase in your overall collections.

What documents do I need to send to you?

For billing:
You would send us patient demographics and Insurance information. This is required only for new patients, and patients who have had a change in their demographic or insurance information.

  • For Office patients, this information would be on your patient registration form. For Hospital patients, this information would be on the Hospital Face Sheet.
  • For patients seen in the office, you would send us your Encounter sheets.
  • For patients seen in the hospital, most doctors just write the procedures and diagnosis on the hospital face sheet, or send us a weekly or daily log of the patients seen..

For Posting Payments:
You would send us your EOBs, and stubs from the patient bills. Co-payments will be posted from the information contained on the Encounter sheets.

What specialties do you support?
We support all specialties.

Do I have control of my data?
Yes! You have access to all your data at our web site, but you have limited capabilities to make changes. The data is not physically located in your office.

What happens if my staff goes on vacation or quits?
You will have very little to worry about! As long as you can scan and send us your documents, or mail your work to us or have us pick it up from you, your work will get done.

How do claims get submitted?
We electronically submit all clean claims daily. We mail claims daily to insurance companies that do not yet accept electronic submissions. We monitor all electronic submission reports for denials and eligibility issues, and take necessary action.

Are you HIPAA compliant?
Yes. We also keep track of all new code and regulatory changes and automatically update the software.

CPT/ICD10 codes, regulations change constantly, does your software keep abreast of these changes?
Yes. We keep track of all changes to Codes and regulations and update the software. Whenever changes are made, you will automatically receive a software update.

I already do my billing In-House, why should I switch to your service?
Please ask about our Savings Calculator to determine the tremendous savings you will experience. Depending on your collections, your annual savings could be in the tens of thousands of dollars. If you already have experienced billing staff, you may be able to retain your best people, enjoy huge savings, and quite likely increase your collections as a result of the efficiencies introduced by our processes. By using our service, you will be able to: Have your data entry done and claims submitted on a daily basis, as opposed to on a “when time permits” basis. Have your payments posted to your patient accounts as soon as payments are received. Submit your secondary claims, and balances bill your patients immediately. Reduce the number of employees involved in doing your billing Reduce the number of hours in a day your employees spend on Billing tasks Enable your staff to concentrate on the problems instead of being swamped by the data entry tasks. Have access to a staff of professional Medical Billing personnel, at a fraction of the cost of hiring locally In other words, you will be able to substantially improve the efficiency of your billing operations, and collect more of the money due to you.

I already outsource my billing, why should I switch to your service?
Owing to our operating model, we perform services like proofreading for accuracy, thus guaranteeing that we billed and posted exactly what you sent us. Our state-of-the-art proprietary software allows us to guarantee that only clean claims are submitted the first time around. Our web site completely exposes us and allows you to see, in Real-Time, everything we did on your account. We offer you instant access to your data, including the ability to view your digitized original documents. Moreover, you can run all practice management reports at any time from the web site without having to wait for us to send them to you. Our turnaround time is overnight. If you send us a days worth of work every day, it will be completed by the next morning. All clean claims will be submitted, resulting in quick payments. Your secondary claims and patient bills are mailed immediately after payment posting.

What are the initial setup costs for your services?
Free! No Setup Fee! We want you to make money before we make money.

Do I need a computer or any other equipment to file electronically?
No. The information that is required for processing claims can be mailed or faxed. Electronic claim processing can then begin once the information is entered into our system. A superbill can be sent by mail, faxed or delivered by a professional carrier.

How can Medical Billing Experts improve your cash flow?
We challenge all rejected claims and dramatically reduce your accounts receivable. We file all claims electronically, which maximizes your insurance claim reimbursements in the shortest possible time. We eliminate the overhead expense associated with insurance billing such as salaries, vacations, sickness, training, turnover, office space, computer hardware and software, and other operational necessities. In many cases this can result in substantial savings of 60% or more.

Will there be a delay in billing while we are being set up for electronic claims filing?
No, setup happens rather quickly. After receiving the provider enrollment form back from a practice, we normally have them setup and are billing commercial carriers within 4 business days.

Would it be more cost effective to file electronic claims in-house instead of using a billing service?
No, We substantially reduce your operation overhead (salary, benefits, office space, hardware and software costs are eliminated). And, we do all of the above at a small fraction of what it would cost your operation to perform the same tasks. Effective medical billing is a much more detail oriented specialty then most in-house billers realize. As an example, there are many trade secrets that can be applied to most situations that can result in operational saving and consistency in payments. We understand or have access to government polices and programs. Keeping up-to-date with all this information can be extremely time consuming to your operation. We understand the importance of the details that insurance companies need for proper payment. We stay informed of all ICD-9 and CPT code changes, and we use our contacts with the carriers to stay abreast of any internal changes that may impact or result in reduced payments / or non payments for your practice.

Can Medical Billing Experts collect on overdue accounts?
We certainly can. We will follow-up on all your receivables in order to reduce un-collectable accounts. We have an excellent system for tracking outstanding monies owed to you. Important in medical billing today, where timely filing is increasingly becoming an issue in both claims processing and appeals.

Can Medical Billing Experts handle multiple medical specialties within a single practice / operation?
Yes, we incorporate state of the art technology and the most effective billing techniques available to handle multiple physicians and specialties within a single practice.

Can your operation handle large businesses such as hospitals and nursing homes?
Absolutely. We currently service several large group accounts.

How long does it take to receive reimbursement?
The average time to collect on electronic reimbursement is between 1 to 2 weeks.

Can Medical Billing Experts facilitate long distance contracts?
Absolutely. Out of town clients are handled the same way. Information is exchanged through fax, telephone, e-mail, regular mail or commercial carriers.

How much does our service cost?
We charge a percentage based on the monies that we collect for your practice. Our fees are competitively priced and vary based on the size of your practice, and the scope of services provided.

Does Medical Billing Experts charge annual renewal fees?
No. We do not have any licensing fees or any other ongoing charges. If you relocate, however, we ask that you let us know so that we can update our records. In addition, we will provide you with information about how to handle data exchange when you add a new location or grow your business.

Does your organization guarantee its services?
We certainly do. We feel confident about our services and that is why we get paid only after you have collected from the insurance carrier. If we are unable to handle your immediate billing situation via phone, fax, e-mail, or through a commercial carrier, we will pick-up your work within one business day. Finally there is no charge to you for resubmitted claims if it is our fault for the claim being rejected.

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